Brian Poncelet

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Term vs whole life insurance

For years some financial experts have suggested the most cost effective way to protect your family is to buy term life insurance and invest the difference.  For the average Canadian who earns $46,000 per year this strategy probably makes sense.  However, if you have a yearly salary of $100,000 or more you should seriously consider […]

Disability Insurance

From The Wealthy Barber: “Disability insurance is the most neglected of all forms of insurance, yet for many people, it’s the most critical insurance need…. A thirty year old has a one in four chance of becoming disabled for one year or more at some point in his or her life…When people are disabled, they […]

Toronto Star $ TD Life Insurance

One couple’s $97,500 life insurance mistake A decision by the Ontario Superior Court highlights the importance of correctly answering health-related questions on insurance applications. By: Sheryl Smolkin At Work, Published on Thu Dec 05 2013 In a nutshell TD insurance did not pay a claim. Why? The application also asked whether in the same period […]