Brian Poncelet

Business Owners

We know that as a business owner, you’re looking for a benefits plan that meets your goals while controlling costs. My customized approach to benefits plans allows small to mid-sized businesses to build a better benefits plan than they can get anywhere else.

I realize that evaluating benefits plan options can be challenging; therefore, I have organized the following information and resources to help you through the process.

Executive Benefits

The benefits that owners, executives, and key employees receive shouldn’t be limited by your core benefits plan. With my enhanced capacity for customization, Executive Benefits can provide extra benefits opportunities for these crucial groups.

Hybrid Plan Design

Hybrid plans allow small and mid-sized businesses to achieve much greater flexibility, as employers can provide a range of benefits to different groups in their organization depending on the compensation budget and goals for each group.

Administration Services Only Plans (ASO)

With an ASO plan, employers can fund their employee group benefits in a way that is transparent, straightforward, and flexible. ASO plans usually offer reduced administration fees and allow for customization in plan design. ASO plans are typically administered by a Third Party Administrator.

Getting Started with Brian Poncelet

Simply contact me for more information about customizing a benefits plan for your business.

I can work with you to design and build the most tax-effective plan for you.